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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Natural Acne Cure - The Simple Equation to Acne-Free Skin

When it comes to the treatment of acne in the Western world, doctors seem to look no more than 'skin deep'. They prescribe you drugs and topical creams but the acne symptoms reappear. Why? Because the problem comes from deep within your body. Unless the problem is dealt with internally your acne will never be cured. There are ways to naturally cure your acne with out ever having to use prescription drugs and topical creams that only temporarily reduce the symptoms. However, before you discover the natural acne cure you need to know the cause. So what causes the formation of acne? The three internal factors combined create an environment where acne can occur: 1. Hormone Irregularities 2. Toxic Buildup 3. Genetic Tendencies In order for you to have acne you must have a combination of hormone irregularities and toxic buildup in your system. However, these two factors together are not enough to cause acne. You must also be prone to certain genetic tendencies. Hormone Irregularities Hormone irregularities are one of the primary factors in the acne equation. Hormones stimulate your oil glands to produce sebum to moisturise your skin naturally. The over-production of hormones or excessive amounts of used hormones that are not properly expelled from your body cause over-stimulation of the oil glands resulting in oily skin. This situation is commonly known to happen in puberty when the body produces more androgens - the hormone responsible for stimulating more oil production. Also, while you are in the early months of pregnancy, increased progesterone levels will result in an increase in production of oil which can lead to acne. It is also common for acne to disappear after the first three months of pregnancy. Hormone irregularities are a key player in the formation of acne, however this factor alone, will not cause acne. Toxic Buildup Toxic buildup is another key influencer in the acne equation and is similar to hormone irregularities in the sense that it alone cannot create acne. If these two factors combine however, the recipe for acne formation is unleashed but there is still one missing link. The combination of both hormone irregularities and toxic buildup can lead to the formation of acne only if a certain genetic tendency is involved (more on that later). Toxic buildup in your bowels, blood and liver can occur if your main organs of elimination (intestines, liver and kidneys) are not able to deal with the extreme quantities of toxic waste, either because they are blocked or are overloaded with toxins themselves. Therefore, they are unable to properly filter and eliminate the toxins via the conventional primary passages of elimination—your bowels and kidneys. When this happens, toxins are released through your lungs and skin. Genetic Tendencies The final and most important factor in the acne equation is genetic tendencies. Unfortunately this factor is uncontrollable. For an individual, the presence or non-presence of this factor will determine whether or not they will be affected by acne. However, they will only be affected by acne if they possess the other two factors - hormone irregularities and toxic buildup. So what are genetic tendencies? Genetic tendencies can be described as the final piece of the puzzle that determines whether or not people will be affected by acne. They are simply individual tendencies of the body that react in a certain way that is not common to everyone. The genetic difference between acne sufferers and non-sufferers is that acne sufferers seem to have sensitive oil glands that are affected even by the slightest increase in androgen levels. Although genetic tendencies are unfortunately uncontrollable, the good news is the other two factors are completely controllable. If you can keep your hormones in balance and your body free of toxins you will become acne free. It is only the combination of the three factors: hormone irregularities, toxic buildup and genetic tendencies that cause acne. So what is the best way to keep the controllable factors under control? You do this by fortifying your body with energy, purifying your system from toxins, balancing your hormones and strengthening the organs of elimination. Controlling these factors is essentially the key to the natural acne cure. If you do this you will never be prone to acne no matter how genetically predisposed you are. It may sound difficult but clearing your body of hormone irregularities and toxic buildup can be easily done following the right health plan without any prescription medications or topical creams. You alone have the ability to naturally cure your acne. About The Author Pauline Carroll is a market researcher and former sufferer dedicated to improving the lives of acne sufferers by sharing with them a natural acne cure that works. If you would like further information on how to cure your acne naturally please visit:

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